Jon Higgins
VR/XR Unity developer
Words Archive | Jon Higgins - VR/XR Unity developer in Bristol, UK
Words Archive
18 June 2019
Cancer Central hackathon
My first hackathon: Cancer Central in Bristol, June 2019.
07 December 2017
Continuous deployment to S3 with Bitbucket Pipelines
Automatically update your S3 static-site every time you push to your Bitbucket repository.
28 June 2017
Going Serverless: host node for free
A frugal way to host node apps on Amazon AWS
11 May 2016
Animated letters: DOM vs Canvas performance
Optimising the performance of a GreenSock-based continuous scaling animation using Paper.js and canvas.
20 March 2015
Animated rotating cursor over carousel
Apply CSS3 transforms, transitions and animations to cursors.
21 January 2014
Using Grunt to build email templates
Take the pain out of building email templates using Grunt Email Boilerplate.
10 March 2013
Brand personality paradox
Organisations, markets, people and personalities are not one-dimensional... why should a brand strategy be worded in one-dimensional keywords?
04 January 2013
FormData only works in IE10 if you append name/value pairs
Passing a form element to the FormData object in Internet Explorer 10.
30 November 2012
Modifying 'max-device-width' with Javascript
Changing CSS media queries on the client side.